Streaming and offline data to live customer profile, codelessly

Whether it's for analytical or production
environment, a data expert can build,
amend and access super-rich profiles in a click
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Enter the new age of AI-powered Underwriting.

Quick, effortless, no-code and minimum know-how required. Let DataHarbor do the heavy lifting.
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Build a smart, digital, automated underwriting process in Real Time.

Utilize all customer data available for advanced, automated risk scoring & credit recommentation, enjoying maximum flexibility.
Enjoy real-time lending and financial customer journey management, as all customer data feeds into smart underwriting processes & personal credit decisions. Utilize the most real-time data available from any source, turning into value.

How it works

Connect & Collect
Our Builder will connect to all your data sources, and will collect multi-channel data automatically
Drag & Drop
With an easy and effortless UX, you can create thousands of customer characteristics and rich behavioural profile
Deploy the models you built into production environment
Analyze both real time and batch data
AI-based data & analytics for credit decisions making
Enjoy real-time AI-based credit decision automation like never before possible. Underwriting made easy thanks to DataHabor's multi-layered approach to data handling and credit scroring.
Our team
Innovation driven
We are software, algo and data science experts originated from GSTAT’s Innovation lab
Years of Experience
In developing models & solving real world data challenges
Of successful implementation
Implemented in the largest fintech and retail companies in Israel
In 30min we'll demonstrate how can you make your data science workflow seamless and save months of hard work
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